Play & Learn – March 2009 BonusThemes Template
Play & Learn is a joyful Joomla! template primarily designed for content related to schools or other e-learning venues. This template promises a wonderful user experience because apart from the beautiful graphics it offers several built-in animation and display capabilities like module positions with tabs and sliders. Play & Learn can easily be used for many other types of content like blogs, presentations, even e-commerce sites or portals.
It features a 3 column layout, animation effects and a menu system with built-in support for VirtueMart 1.1. That makes it easier for you to achieve an e-commerce content integration.
Short overview of the Play & Learn features and technologies:
* Joomla! 1.5 native
* Animation effects for modules
* VirtueMart 1.1 capable menus
* SEOCP capable (search engine optimized content positioning)
* CMenu enabled
* com_nb compatible
* Collapsible module technology
* 27 module positions
* 5 auxiliary module positions
* Adjustable settings from the Template Manager
* Adjustable position widths from the Template Manager
* Valid CSS and W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* PNG fix ready for IE6
* Very lightweight and really fast loading
* Clean, Simple and Stylish look
Play & Learn Full Package (1.45 MB)
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Posted by Kent Woo at 9:53 PM
Labels: free template Joomla
How To Write Great Titles And Headlines For The Web
Few are good at this, and the ones that have learned what it takes to do this job right, keep most of their tactics for themselves.
Writing great headlines for the Web has nothing to do with writing great articles in newspapers or magazines.
Writing great titles and headlines on the Web is of such enormous value to content publishers that not knowing what it takes to transform titles in perfect content labels can cost them literally thousands of dollars in lost advertising or subscription revenues.
Great titles are worth gold on the Internet but understanding how to create them is not an intuitive task or something that you can learn by emulating what print newspapers and magazines have done for decades.
We are in a completely different ball game. While in a print newspaper the reader has clearly decided to engage and browse through the publication she is holding in her hands, on the Web this is increasingly less and less the case.
People don't browse so much sites in search for articles that would interest them like they do while browsing a paper. They are sent to other places by recommendations and reviews made by people and sources they trust or they find your content by way of searches on major search engines.
So, if you are after getting the attention of those trusted reviewers, bloggers and newsmakers, or if you want to make way for your content to become more visible on the major search engines, this is what I advise you to do.
My assumptions here are that you want to:1) Have your content easily found by potential readers searching for it via search engines,
2) Increase your visibility and exposure on the topics you write about,
3) Attract more targeted readers, truly interested in what you have written about.
If this indeed what you are after, then these are the rules you need to use to write great titles for your web articles:
a) Make an effort to keep your title short.
Three to six words is the ideal length, and at around ten the maximum limit. Major search engines give high relevance only to the first set of words you use in the title, and they display only up to 8-10 words in their search engine result pages (Google and MSN; Yahoo displays up to 16 words).
b) Do not try to make the title "smart", by using irony, word play or other "journalistic" approach.
The title to be built must be thought as of a label to your article in the unlimited virtual library that the Internet is.
Inside newspapers the reader is already captive and searching, within the page, for items of possible interest.
On the Internet, headlines are often displayed out of context. The reader is searching for your content and will only get to it, if a most appropriate, serious and well thought out label is attached to it. On the web, readers often don't get the chance of applying background understanding to the interpretation of the titles they are presented with.
c) The title must be a "label" or summary of the content.
Does the title accurately describe the full content to be published. If the answers to these two questions are positive ones then you are doing a great job of titling your content for the Web.
d) Headlines have to stand on their own.
Think of it in this way: if somebody was to read that title without the associated would she be able to tell what the article contained? Headline text has to stand on its own and make sense when the rest of the content is not available.
e) Is the title representative of what a typical potential reader of your content would write to search for content like the one you have in your article?
If the answer is yes again, then go for it. If not, put yourself in the shoes of your reader and type the search you would write in Google, Yahoo or MSN if you were to search for an article containing the same content you are about to publish; what would you write in the Google search box?
f) Strike at the start.
Make the first two-three words in your title contain keywords highly representative of your specific content. Make sure those words are the important information-carrying units of your title. Have them focus on concept, topic, theme of your content.
f) Proper names, products, brands and services names go last.
In general, leave product names in the end of the title as people who are searching for products or services by name will often want to go to the original manufacturer web site. If on the other hand you are providing review, analysis or commentary on specific products, people, organizations, you may want to associate qualifying keywords in front of the product name (e.g.: Issues and problem with Skype; Alternative tools to Microsoft Word, etc.).
How to test and verify the quality of your title.
1) Test before writing the title.
Go to the three major search engines and type the title(s) you would like to use.
Verify the:
a) quantity
b) quality and
c) relevance of the articles that come up when searching for your new potential title. Evaluate whether your title is good by looking at the type of content it brings up. In areas where there is lack of content little or no relevant content may come up, but in areas where there is already a significant amount of publicly available content, you will be able to see if there are already articles with similar or identical titles and how you could differentiate yourself from those.
2) Google test n°2. Verify if AdSense ads (those text ads displayed on the right side column of Google page results) do appear. If they do appear and are of great relevance to the topic you are covering, then you have written a good one. If Google ads don't appear it may mean that your title is OK, but it is either too specific, long, not clearly expressing a specific topic/theme. Or it simply means that you have done a bad job of it. It's hard to say. What you want rather to avoid, is the view of Google ads coming up but with content clearly not relevant to your topic/theme. That is clearly a sign not to go with the selected title, as it maybe ambiguous, badly worded or interpreted in completely other ways from what the ones you had intended to.
Posted by Kent Woo at 2:23 AM
Labels: Write a Good Title
How to Write a Good Article Title
Writing a good article title is essential to capturing your intended audience. If your article title is an inaccurate description or summary of your article, those who may be interested in your article will not read it. Your title must be carefully considered and concisely written.
Step 1
Determine your intended audience. Who are you writing for? Your article title needs to immediately capture the interest of your intended audience and motivate them to read further.
Step 2
Decide the purpose of your article. Are you trying to convince your audience to do something, buy something or read something? Consider the purpose when crafting your title.
Step 3
Determine the main idea of your article. Use a shortened version of the main idea in the title of your article.
Step 4
Craft an article title that offers readers a glimpse of the content with their first glance. Aim for simple, straight-forward language in the article title but don't be afraid to also try a catchy phrase or wordplay.
Source Top Title Search Engine:
How to Write a Good Article Title
Posted by Kent Woo at 2:02 AM
Labels: Write a Good Title
How to Write a Good Title For an Article
To get more people to read your article you have to do several things, such as using a catchy title will get more people to read your article. Most people will not read the article if the title is drab and boring. An article needs to have the title that catches attention. And if you are writing it for the web, it also has to have keywords to be picked up by the search engines so more people will see the article. Doing both of these steps will have you with page-hits that will increase exposure on the web.
Here are two examples of titles, the first one is an example of a bad title would be "My digital Camera Experience with a digital camera". A better title would be "Nikon Digital Camera -A personal experience" With the second title you have given the reader an idea of what the article is all about.
The first title rambles on a little, it has the word camera in twice which is unnecessary, and doesn't really catch the reader's attention, it has many words that just don't work. It also has filler words like "with, and my" which are not necessary in the title, you may use these words as fillers but you want to use them as little as possible. You want the title to has as few words as possible to explain the article.
As you can see with the second example title it is more of a catchy title. It gives the product name first, which will catch the reader's attention. Then it also says that the article is a personal review of the camera. The best title for the article is one that explains that you are writing an article about first hand experience of using the camera.
If you have a bad title it can keep people from reading your articles. You want you article to be as precise as possible so that you can get people to read. Make your titles clear about what your article is about while making it a slight teaser, making the reader wanting to read more about your article.
You want to add keywords to your title, choose good keywords to use. Keywords are very important on the web. The second title gives the product name. People will be more apt to search for Nikon digital camera then just generic digital camera. So if you have a product that you are writing about make sure that is in the title. The second title will attract more readers.
Your title will determine if people will take the time to actually read your article, so choose it well. A boring title will keep people from reading your article.
You want to make your titles as keyword enriched as possible, do a keyword search to find popular keywords that are part of your article. Once you find the keywords in your article, you can use them in your titles this alone will increase readership to your article. And increase page views to the article.
With the keyword filled titles, your article viewer traffic will increase.
Source Top Title Search Engine :
How to Write a Good Title For an Article
Posted by Kent Woo at 1:39 AM
Labels: Write a Good Title